This update contains various smaller fixes and upgrades all across the board. Enjoy:-).
Relevant markers for the Living World Season 1 Episode 4: Tower of Nightmares. Enjoy:-).
A Barefoot Edition of the End of Dragons Map Completion Markers. It only requires Raptor, Springer, and Glider, which you will obtain without Path of Fire.
Optimal route for the Flying Dolyak Adventure in Labyrinthine Cliffs. It guarantees a Gold Medal.
You can toggle them in the GW2TacO / BlishHUD menu -> Tekkit's Guides - Festivals -> Four Winds -> Flying Dolyak. If you don't see these routes in the game, double-check if you properly followed Installation Instructions. If you still have issues, let me know in the #all-in-one-issues channel on our Discord
Optimal route for the Pavilion Pursuit Adventure in Labyrinthine Cliffs. It guarantees a Gold Medal.
You can toggle them in the GW2TacO / BlishHUD menu -> Tekkit's Guides - Festivals -> Four Winds -> Pavilion Pursuit. If you don't see these routes in the game, double-check if you properly followed Installation Instructions. If you still have issues, let me know in the #all-in-one-issues channel on our Discord
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